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Cocktails and Books

Against the Ropes

Against the Ropes - Carly Fall 3.5 Cocktails

AGAINST THE ROPES was a very quick read, but it was a story that pulled you into the broken relationship of Dylan and Regan, hoping they'd find a way to fix everything.

Five years prior, Dylan had broken Regan's heart. When she left him, he went from being on top of the world to finding himself in jail. As he climbs his way back to some semblance of the life he had as a boxer, his trainer and surrogate father convinces Regan to help Dylan as he prepares for a big fight. Regan sees is as a opportunity to get out of California and move on with her life, but Dylan sees it as his chance to set his life back on tracking....starting with Regan.

The author did a great job of making you sympathetic to both of the characters. They were both still trying to deal with the fall out of their broken relationship, and you felt bad for both of them as they dealt with it, but you also could see the spark still there and wanted them to fight for each other. It's not easy, especially since Regan's trust in Dylan was so shattered. Dylan had his work cut out for him, but he was honest about what he did and where the blame fell. He owned it and you couldn't help but love him for it.

A very entertaining story about second chances and going after what you want.