I loved Tank and Sass' story. You could tell, when we first met them in ONE RIDE that their story was going to be good....and it was.
Sass and Tank have some baggage. Big oversized Samsonite baggage. And their story starts in ONE RIDE, so if you haven't read that do so before you delve into FOREVER RIDE. You'll need it to understand why Sass and Tank's relationship is in the place that it is when FOREVER RIDE starts. And it's in a bad place, with Sass living with her city boyfriend, Nick, and Tank in the hospital.
I think I enjoyed Tank and Sass' story as much as I did because they spent so much of the story apart. Sass was living the life she tried to convince herself was better for her and Tank was stuck in the hospital recovering from gunshot wounds. Sass, for all her talk about wanting a different life outside of the MC found herself a prisoner in her new world and longing for Tank. He truly was her best friend and she needed him. It was very apparent as Sass tried to navigate her way through her relationship with Nick that she didn't know what she was doing or what she truly wanted. But she was too stubborn to face facts and say she made a mistake turning her back on the MC life.
Tank may have been in a coma through most of the story, but we got to hear his thoughts and knew that despite being down and out, he was fighting to get to Sass. She was the reason he fought his way to consciousness. Fought through rehab so he could walk and get on his ride. Sass was at the forefront of his mind and he only goal was to save her from the life she got herself tied up in and bring her to his home, where she belongs.
These two were stubborn, but you could see facing death readjusted Tank's way of thinking. He knew he wanted Sass, even when he pushed her away. He had let his past taint his perspective. But his extended hospital stay brought him some clarity and understanding that there was only ever one woman for him and he was going to make sure she knew it. As a reader, I was right there cheering Tank on. I would have been happy for him to drag Sass out of the house kicking and screaming if it meant the two of them were together.
Chelsea Camaraon's Hellion Ride series is quickly becoming one of my favorites. While there may not always be a lot of dialogue between the characters, the author manages to still create an addictive storyline and character voice that keeps you turning the pages. I look forward to much more from this author.