3.5 Stars
This was a tough one to read. A book with the main character suffering from cancer is never easy, but eighteen year old Milcah is one that your heart breaks for and you want to throttle at the same time.
Milcah is a sharp-tongued girl who protects herself by being sarcastic and argumentative. Behind the exterior is a girl who's doing whatever she can to thumb her nose at cancer and prove that she's stronger than the illness that has robbed her of so much. Some might see her as being a bit reckless, but (in my opinion) it was Milcah's way to gaining control over her life which had most definitely spiraled out of her control and into the hands of the doctors and hospital.
Callum was a a character that I loved. Even though he didn't fully understand exactly what was going on with Milcah, he did open up things for her to start learning to live her life...no matter how long she's here. Despite herself, Callum gives her something to live for.
This really is a tough read, but it's also special. Cancer is ugly and it doesn't discriminate, but Milcah is a character who's "screw you" message to cancer and anyone who stands in her way hopes get through loud and clear.