I had to know if Logan and Cassie could overcome what happened at the end of the previous book, so when I noticed this was able to purchase I quickly downloaded it.
The story opens with Cassie trying to recover from the car accident that left her seriously hurt and from the shattered heart Logan's cruel words left her with. She's an emotionally broken woman and she's thrown up all sorts of walls to try and protect herself. But as she does that, she becomes this person that isn't very likable (at least to me). She lashed out at her mom and Hillary (her best friend) when they asked her to listen to what Logan had to say and she was down right nasty with Logan, despite him trying his hardest to make up for what he said and explain. I get that she was devastated by what Logan said to her, but she became someone who was so unlikable I had to wonder why Logan was trying so hard to win her affection back.
With that being said, I will look for the final book in the series early next year. I have to know what happens with Natasha, Logan's evil ex-wife and if Cassie and Logan will get a truly happily ever after.