I began reading this novella knowing full well that it was the 4th in a series and fully expecting to at times being hit with mentions of a story line I would only know had I read the previous books. But I after reading the blurb I decided to take the chance. An interesting blurb where our hero, Skylar first spots his mate at a red light as she is crossing the street hooked me. The concept interesting enough that I had to give it a shot.
Well, Chenery did not disappoint. Not only are we presented with engaging characters but the simple storyline of boys meets girl minus all the drama before hand is endearing and quite enjoyable. My only complaint would be the speed in which everything happened. They meet and after a particularly stalker-like move of following her into a lingerie story, they have their first date. Within a day they were saying I love you, and within 2 days discussing happily ever after. Even the big reveal of his secret isn’t all that big. There was no fan fair and after a brief pause she was very accepting of his being a werewolf and eagerly looking forward to that happily ever after.
However, all things considered, I found Skylar to be a very sweet and full-bodied character. The romance between him and Braelyn had a very fairytale whirlwind quality to it. But most importantly of all, it made me eager to get the previous books and read them all as soon as possible. So all things considered, Skylar’s Devotion was a hit as far as I’m concerned.
Reviewed by Iris for Cocktails and Books