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Cocktails and Books

Threesome Sweetness (Irish Kisses, #3).

Threesome Sweetness (Irish Kisses, #3). - JoAnne Kenrick Reviewed by Michelle:

Threesome Sweetness had such a great title and a very promising plot however it never took off. The language was written in very proper British and there were Irish terms included that unless you were part of the culture would be difficult to understand. The premise was that the female protagonists's husband was giving her another man, thus a threesome, for her birthday. The woman seems confused when the other man is presented, refuses to have intercourse, and has stilted foreplay with him. The steamy scenes are between her and her husband but I was so irritated by the characters that I almost missed them. It was completely unrealistic, very rushed, and lacked character depth. Every character was irritating and their decision making method was nonexistent. For example the man to be part of the threesome sees the couple making love and decides to have a relationship with his secretary because he wants the love and respect he sees in their eyes for each other....what? As I read I kept thinking in my head...and how did this happen. I went back to read back over a few pages because I thought I was missing something initially. However, it turns out that it's just bad writing. Thank goodness the book was very short.