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Cocktails and Books

Life on the Edge

Life on the Edge - Jennifer Comeaux his was one of those books that I managed to read in a couple of hours this week. It was a sweet storyline about love conquering all that was a perfect read for this holiday week.

Emily and her partner Chris have big dreams to win Olympic gold medals in pairs figure skating, unseating the Russians that seem to dominate the sport. Their dreams depend on their skills, drive and determination along with the help of their youngest Russian coach, Sergei. What Emily and Sergei didn't plan on was the attraction they have for one another or their growing relationship, which threatens Chris and Emily's plans.

I enjoyed Emily and Sergei's love story unfold. Their relationship wasn't built on instantaneous attraction and passion (even though that might have been there) but instead on friendship. They both fought what they felt with each other and tried to keep things on a professional/friendly level, but there comes a time when you have to acknowledge that feelings run deeper than you want to admit. They knew what they needed to do to ensure Emily and her partner Chris weren't hurt by the relationship, but they both decided being with each other was worth the risk.

Emily and Sergei have his past, his unwillingness to share intimate details of what lead him to come to the US, her mother butting in and her inexperience with relationships to deal with, but in the end they find that what they needed was to be honest with each other and everyone else about themselves and their relationship for everything to fall into place.